Construction Ban in Delhi NCR: delay in delivery

Delhi NCR Jan 11, 2024


Delhi NCR (National Capital Region) has been grappling with severe air pollution for years, especially during the winter months. To address this issue, the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has implemented the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), which includes a series of measures to control air pollution levels. One of the key steps taken under GRAP is the imposition of a construction ban on non-essential activities in Delhi NCR. In this article, we will explore the implications of this ban on the construction sector and project delivery in the region.

The Need for a Construction Ban

The air quality in Delhi NCR has reached alarming levels, with the Air Quality Index (AQI) often categorizing it as "severe". Unfavorable weather patterns and the failure of builders to implement preventive measures on construction sites have further exacerbated the pollution problem. To mitigate the impact of rising pollution, the authorities have imposed a ban on non-essential construction activities in Delhi NCR.

Understanding GRAP and its Stages

The Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) is a set of measures implemented in Delhi NCR to combat air pollution. It is divided into four stages, depending on the consistent AQI in the region. The stages of GRAP are as follows:

AQI Range Zone Stages of GRAP
201-300 Poor Stage I
301-400 Very poor Stage II
401-450 Severe Stage III
451 and above Severe plus Stage IV

These stages determine the severity of pollution and the corresponding actions to be taken. Currently, Delhi NCR is operating under GRAP-III, which entails stringent measures to counter the "severe" air quality category.

Impact on the Construction Sector

The construction ban in Delhi NCR has significant implications for the real estate sector. With over 4.5 lakh residential units under construction in various areas of Delhi NCR, including Greater Noida West, Yamuna Expressway, and Noida Expressway, the ban could severely hamper ongoing projects. It typically takes 6-8 years to complete residential projects in the region, and any delay caused by the construction ban could have serious consequences.

Experts suggest that the ban on construction due to poor air quality may lead to project delays of at least three to four months if construction activity is halted for a month. This delay can impact project delivery timelines and add to the already existing challenges faced by developers.

Impact on Property Prices

While the construction ban may result in project delays, experts believe that it will have a negligible impact on property prices. Property prices in most cities are determined by factors such as access, proximity to city centers and major employment hubs, urban mobility, and affordability. Environmental concerns, including air pollution, typically have a limited direct influence on property prices.

However, the construction ban could affect project deliveries in areas like Greater Noida West, where more than 1.3 lakh units are currently under construction. Developers in these regions may face challenges in meeting their promised delivery timelines, which could impact buyer sentiment and affect the overall real estate market in the short term.

Steps Taken to Control Pollution in Delhi

To address the air pollution crisis in Delhi, the government has implemented various measures. Along with the construction ban, other steps have been taken to control pollution in the region. These include:

  1. Prohibition of diesel buses from NCR states entering Delhi: The Delhi Government has banned diesel buses from NCR states and allowed only buses operating on CNG, electric, or those compliant with BS-VI standards.

  2. Distribution of heaters to security personnel: Government departments in Delhi have been advised to distribute heaters to security personnel to prevent the burning of fuel wood during the cold winter months. This measure aims to provide an alternative heat source and reduce the environmental impact of burning wood.

These measures, coupled with the construction ban, are part of a comprehensive strategy to combat air pollution and improve the overall air quality in Delhi NCR.

Impact on Schools and Other Sectors

The construction ban is not limited to the real estate sector alone. Schools in Delhi NCR have also been affected, with a shift towards online teaching modes to protect students from exposure to polluted air. Additionally, the entry of light commercial vehicles and diesel trucks into the capital has been halted to reduce vehicular emissions.

While these measures are crucial for safeguarding public health, they also pose challenges for various sectors, including education and transportation. However, the health and well-being of the residents remain the top priority, and the authorities are taking necessary steps to address the pollution crisis.

Balancing Environmental Concerns and Development

The construction ban in Delhi NCR highlights the need to strike a balance between environmental concerns and development. While the ban may cause temporary setbacks for ongoing projects, it is a necessary step to combat air pollution and protect public health. Developers and stakeholders in the real estate sector need to adapt to these challenges and find innovative solutions to ensure project delivery within the stipulated timelines.

Future Outlook

Despite the construction ban and environmental challenges, the demand for housing in Delhi NCR remains strong. Housing sales have been resilient, and it is expected that the positive demand trend will continue in the future. The real estate market in the region has shown resilience in the face of adversity, and developers are likely to find ways to overcome the challenges posed by the construction ban and deliver projects successfully.


The construction ban in Delhi NCR due to poor air quality has far-reaching implications for the real estate sector and project delivery. While it may lead to project delays, property prices are expected to remain largely unaffected. The ban is part of a comprehensive strategy to combat air pollution and improve the overall quality of life in the region. Developers and stakeholders need to adapt to these challenges and prioritize environmental sustainability in their construction practices. Despite the hurdles, the demand for housing in Delhi NCR continues to be strong, and the real estate market is expected to thrive in the long run

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