Sachin Tendulkar Lavish Homes in Mumbai A Glimpse into the Life of a Cricketing Legend

May 01, 2023

About Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar is one of the most celebrated cricketers in India and a national icon. He is also known for his luxurious lifestyle and multiple homes in Mumbai. In this article, we will take a closer look at Sachin Tendulkar's homes and explore what makes them so special.

Sachin Tendulkar's Homes

Sachin Tendulkar's primary residence is a beautiful bungalow located in Perry Cross Road, Bandra, Mumbai. The bungalow is spread across multiple floors and features traditional and modern architecture. The interiors are designed with a minimalist approach, with a focus on spaciousness and luxury.

The bungalow features multiple living rooms, bedrooms, and a gym. The highlight of the house is the terrace, which provides a breathtaking view of the Arabian Sea. The terrace is designed with a beautiful garden and is a perfect spot for Sachin to relax and unwind.

Sachin Tendulkar also owns another property in Bandra, which is located near his primary residence. The property is a luxurious apartment that spans across multiple floors and features modern amenities such as a swimming pool and a gym. The apartment is designed with a contemporary approach and reflects Sachin's taste for luxury and elegance.

What Makes Sachin Tendulkar's Homes So Special?

Location: Sachin Tendulkar's homes are located in Bandra, one of the most upscale and desirable neighborhoods in Mumbai. The area is known for its high-end restaurants, luxury boutiques, and celebrity homes.

Design: The homes are designed with a unique blend of traditional and modern architecture, which reflects Sachin's personality. The interiors are designed with a minimalist approach and feature a mix of classic and contemporary elements.

Amenities: The homes feature several amenities that cater to Sachin's luxurious lifestyle. The gym is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, and the terrace provides a breathtaking view of the Arabian Sea.

History: Sachin Tendulkar is a national icon in India and is widely regarded as one of the greatest cricketers of all time. His homes have witnessed his rise to stardom and are an important part of his personal and professional life.

The Luxurious Lifestyle of Cricketing Legends

Sachin Tendulkar's homes are just one example of the luxurious lifestyle enjoyed by cricketing legends. With their massive fan following and high-profile careers, these cricketers have access to the best of everything, including luxury homes, cars, and designer clothes.

Apart from their on-field achievements, cricketing legends are also known for their philanthropic work and their support for social causes. Sachin Tendulkar, for instance, is known for his charitable foundation, the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation, which focuses on healthcare and education for underprivileged children.


Sachin Tendulkar's homes are a reflection of his luxurious lifestyle as a cricketing legend. The homes are designed with a unique blend of traditional and modern architecture and feature several amenities that cater to his needs. Sachin Tendulkar's homes are a part of his personal and professional life and have witnessed his rise to stardom. The trend of cricketers investing in luxurious homes is not limited to Sachin Tendulkar but is prevalent among many other Indian cricketers. These homes are not just a reflection of their wealth and status but also serve as a sanctuary from the limelight and scrutiny that comes with being a cricketing legend.

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