Tarc Ishva

Tarc Ishva

Sector 63A Gurgaon


2,850 Sq. Ft. to 3,900Sq. Ft.

6.5 Cr*

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At TARC, we are dedicated to turning your vision of a dream home into a reality, guided by a unique approach that merges the classic with the contemporary. Our residences embody a harmonious blend of timeless elegance and modern sophistication. We believe that your living space should not only reflect your lifestyle but also resonate with your personal beliefs and values.

Our philosophy is rooted in creating homes that pay tribute to the rich tradition of Indian luxury, while catering to the tastes of the modern, discerning homeowner. We invest significant effort in understanding the needs and aspirations of our clients, ensuring that each project is crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

Our development process involves extensive research and a deep comprehension of our patrons' lifestyle and values. This allows us to transform these insights into exceptional living spaces that offer unparalleled experiences. At TARC, every residence is a testament to our commitment to blending vintage charm with modern design, creating homes that are both elegant and functional.

We will establish an environment of Respect, Honesty and Responsibility.
